Wednesday, August 13, 2014

resipi lasagna

BAHAN SOS DAGING x 5/6 square tray

Bawang putih 5 ulas
Bawang besar 3 biji
Daging kisar 2 tube
Tomato fresh 5 biji
Cendawan x 2 bekas
Lada benggala x 2 (kalau boleh lain2 color)
Batang celery ( boleh guna half @ satu bungkus)
Sos prego / leggo x 2 big jar
Italian herbs 
Tomato puree 1 small bottle

1. Mozarella 
2. Parmesan
Ikut berapa banyak topping nak, nisbah dlm 3 bungkus mozarella satu bungkus parmesan.

Cara nak masak sos daging
1. Tumis bawang putih, bawang merah sampai garing.
2. Masuk daging kisar tunggu sampai daging kisar masak.
3. Masuk lada benggala dgn 1 sudu kecil italian herbs, tumis sekejap dlm 5 min dgn daging bagi layu sikit n sebati.
4. Masuk sos prego dgn tomato fresh. Masa ni kuah akan berair, so biar ats api dlm 15 mins smpai kuah reduce n kepekatan mcm kuah spaghetti.
5. Masuk batang celery biar dlm 2 min, lepas tu masuk cendawan. Biar dlm 2 min, kacau rata kuah dan tutup, jgn biar cendawan dgn celery layu, sbb nnt nk baked.
6. Rasa, kalau kurang masam tambah bbrp sudu tomato puree, adjust manis dgn masin, ni kne agak2 sendiri ikut selera masing2.
Sos daging ni boleh makan dengan spaghetti, kalau ade lebih nnt.

Bahan layer sos putih (kalau rajin buat/ beli je sos putih alfredo @ knor @ ganti dgn sos cendawan carbonara)
2 sudu besar mentega
2 sudu besar tepung gandum
1 cawan fresh milk / full cream/ uht semua pon boleh
Chedder cheese or cheesedale
White pepper

Cara nak masak sos putih.
1. Cairkan mentega and campur dengan tepung gandum kacau sampai sebati
2. Campur fresh milk and kacau sampai pekat.
3. Campur cheedar cheese,letak 3 keping cheesedale.
4. Seasoning dengan white pepper and garam kacau.
6. Tutup api.
Sos putih ni boleh guna untuk buat macaroni cheese, and semua resepi pasta yg nak campur dengan sos cheese. 

Tips nak buat lasagna sedap.
Kepingan lasagna ni walaupon tulis oven ready, tp rugi kalau letak terus, kalau nk kembang besar bole masak dlm air panas letak garam kejap, tapi susah kne buat sheet by sheet atau dia akan pecah dan melekat2. Satu lg cr rendam je sheet tu dlm air suhu biasa letak garam smpai lembut, dpt kembang cket, sng nk susun. Bila kembang dpt la jimat sket pakai, bole buat banyak2

Cara nak lapis lasagna.
1. First layer susun kepingan lasagna yg dah masak
2. Second layer, letak sos daging, jgn byk2, sekurang2nye biar la nmpk lapisan lasagna kt bwh,
3. Third layer, letak sos putih, jgn tebal2 nnt rasa creamy sgt, muak, so letak dlm 3 jalur agak2.
4. Ikut step first and final mesti sos putih.
5. Layer yg last tu tabur dengan cheese. Nak sedap tabur banyak cheese!! Suke campur mozarella dgn parmesan sbb parmesan rasa masin, lg sdp topping nnt. Tabur kemas smpai penuh cheese, x nampak sos layer bawah, utk elak sos dalam kering.

Masuk dalam oven 180C untuk 30 minit. Ikut oven masing- masing. Lebih baik pre heat dulu 15 min. Atau smpai bhgian cheese atas da golden dan rangup.

Monday, June 13, 2011

kadang2 kite 'ter'lupe..

kadang2 kite lupe mase kite dulu2..mase tu kite free je..main sane sini..sume pn x heavy lgi..main2 pn xpe..kadang2 kite lupe mase kite suke suki dulu..bile bukak balik email dulu2..mule la jmpe balik email2,message2 dgn kwn2 kite..mule la senyum sorg2..tibe2 ooopss tenampk balik email notifications kite dgn si die..bile bukak balik..mule la terkekek2 gelak sakit perut..ooohh~~ lupe penah main mcm ni dgn die..mse tu xde kaver2 pn..haha..mmg klaka..lps da jmpe satu..mule la nk carik lagi..kot2 ade lagi yg jmpe..lps tun mule la kite start tgk tarikh,mase, nk tgk da brape lame email tu sbenanye..haih..tup tup da berbulan2 da..mase tu baru bulan 1..kejap je kan mase belalu..tapi kenape mesti sume kne berubah..haih..kalau la bole jwb =/

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

rumah flat seksyen 6 shah alam untuk disewa

-kekosongan untuk seorang sahaja
-kemasukan dari bulan june - september 2011
-untuk lelaki sahaja
-untuk maklumat lanjut sila hubungi no contact : 0193738234 {JIJAH}

Monday, April 18, 2011

dulu2 perangai mcm monyet..haha..sekarang??

saje2 je view gamba2 mude2 dulu kan..da xde kje ke cik miza oi??banyaaak...byk sgt...smpai mls nk buat..haha..thought of sharing those captured moment with my special one..tapi..haih..lemah semangat..kenape la dulu2 suke pose mcm munyet..lompat sane sini..tekangkang sne cni..making funny faces smpai sndri menyampah tgk..aiyoooo..mati nafsu la cmni..maybe next time..only selected photos can share..haha..yang lain2 tgu u jadi saye punye yg halal baru bole tgk~~ *wink..

haha..x bole tunjuk lebih2..but this was one of my best moment dgn membe2..gasak la nk ckp mcm munyet pn..haha..diorg mmg klaka..kitorg ni budak skola kitorg rock..rock meleleh~~!! =p

see??da ckp..haih..teringat cikgu matematik dajah 4 dulu ckp "miza,cikgu tgk kamu ni mcm katun la =/ " sume cikgu punye psl la..ckp bukan2..isk!!

haha..ok yang ni saye ngaku mmg mcm katun cikgu..bajet nk wat kiut..tapi mcm %^&#$%^&* plak jadi =< haih..

da ade azam baru??nak tau??nak tau x??hehe..nak menjadi cik miza yg besopan santun mcm dulu2..haih..da bebakul2 org ckp i ni gile u..i da x lrt nk dgr..gelak kne gile..ckp kne gile..diam pun kene gile..oohh..mama..redho je la..aaah...x kire...igt i x reti ke jadi sopan,ckp baik2..tgk la nnti..~~ huh...
haha..oopss~~ mom pn gile2 je orgnye..sanding sorg2 ke mak?? bukan nk slhkn ibu doter la kan~~~

pagi2 bute mengupdate blog..nk wat cad xde idea..ngntuk senanye..tpi da baring xle tido jgk..hisk~~ time smbg lagi~~

Sunday, March 27, 2011

benci lagu geli2 cause eventually it will get stuck in my mind like forever~~

but since dis guy is a total cutie..hehe..layan ~~ attach skali the same song but different singer.. pn layan la jgk..siti salehah punye psl la ni asik2 nyanyi lagu ni...auuwww~~ mcm miang awk yg rajin tgk blog sye.. lagu ni utk awk..hehe..tapi tuka bukan supersonic supersonic boy~~ =p

baru pasan mamat ni yg nyanyi lagu wali band versi geli2 tu balik..woooo~~ muke romeo..geli~~

hahaha...yg ni pulak agak2 rase tgh tensen wat keje ..bgn dari kusi joget2 mcm org sasau..err..snanye da try joget cmni..sumpah rase nk muntah hijau + nk tampar muke sndri..kenape la aku begini?? bermonolog sendirian~~

~~i dont have to be e' club girl to love techno songs~~

sambil angguk2 ..yup!! suke sgt lagu techno..snanye mase form 5,my best fren AJ [kitorg byk wat mende jht same2 =p] penah mention kt aku yg die plg benci lagu techno..sbb tu aku try dgr..tup tup!! jatuh cinte..sorry la my pren..we may be best buddy but diffrent taste on songs..hehe..but still aku dgr sorok2 dri die..mslhnye bile dgr lagu disco2 ni mesti kepale nk goyang2..bdn nk gelek2..wadehek!!..mcm jijik~~ tapi da sukeee~~

basshunter~~!! suke sgt basshunter.. x phm pn layan je la..haha..basshunter ni adik kicik yg pakse dgr..kan da tesuke akak ko ni~~ haaa..

yang ni plak english version..mcm biase la vid clip org putih mne leh x de pompuan dgn tembikai2 nye.. ~~ layan aje la sbb xde nafsu pn tgk..nyum3!!~~

eh....yang ni sumpah suke sbb rase mcm sweet sgt lagu ni..hehe..sweet x kite??da tau lame da..haha..

yg ni pon comel gile..salehah jgk yg bertanggungjwb ats kesukaan sye pade lagu ni..pararappapiririppi [lirik lagu ni..pon x phm~~]

hahaha...lagu ni paling rase nk tumbuk laptop dgr, sbb nk smpai techno part lame gile..tapi bile da msuk mcm cool gile..da la muke katun pompuan ni mcm org gile..

ok yg ni mmg legendary..terbaik...abg sawal kt kelas mmg suke psg~~ dlm hati mmg tegedik2 joget..tpi kontrol~~ kang org ckp gile plak..tarik hembus nafas je la ..fuuuhh..smbil memujuk hati jgn joget~~

hey~~ igt i x lyn lagu rock ke??..tadaaa~~

ni pn terbaik..snanye nk lyn lagu2 cmni kne dgr lirik die its my habit after heard any song from group mcm ni ..mesti cek lirik..sbb most of them bukan pecaye tuhan pn..kang nyanyi2 suke hati lari akidah plak~~ haih..bahaye..

yang ni mmg klaka...pakcik2 ni x reti pegi masjid ke ape da tuwe..tekinje2..tpi part chorus tu mmg layan la..rmbut tu rase nk ikat tocang je..ah!! slack la..ade satu lagi group rock europe yg mmg layan..x igt~~ nnti2 update..

stil!! kalau live performance..mmg minachi ni la vocalist nightwish yg 1st before die klua group..wuuu bediri bulu2 akak oi dgr lagu ni..rock opera~~ cayalah~~!!

~~lagu2 anime pn suke jugak~~ =p

dulu2 mase matrix ckp la bleach dgn naruto lgsg x pnh miss satu chapter pn..anime pn every week ngendeng kat abg pyan tgk same..tgk naruto smpai nanges2..hisk~~ byk mse kan sume slh id...i dont have time for naruto n bleach lagi!! isk..esok lepas kawen nk track blk sume missing chapter..bace mase suami tgh tido =p hahaha....ok2 lagu2 yg i attach ni actually my all time favourite dari dulu..siyesly terbaik..nk try suro nyanyi??petik jari je da hafal..sebut sebijik two top most liking!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

~~ when feelings go awry ~~

simple things but yet lead to untangle rope twist~~ sigh..~~

frustrated and upset thought making my head cloudy..i cant think straight tonight..i know its no one fault to blame, and thats making me feel lot worst..

its nothing to do with money and how much an object worth in material counting but the effort is what it takes.. im feeling like ive messed up others good plan and i yeah its sooo not cool..~~the only words suits my lips is sorry for thousands sorry..

to plan ~~yeah its what im good at..and in fact i love to plan..and i know how much pain in the ass can it be when im derailed from the plan..and how bad it can be when im the one who take charge in someone else planning and the outcome is far from my eyes to even glance at..

im sorry..its not supposed to be this way..this is really what my heart scream silently..and will remain silent till ever..i've learn from my mistake..

~broken flower pot~

Friday, August 27, 2010

T.H.E ~ R.A.C.E

~life can knocked you down, but you choose whether to get up or not~

“Quit!” “Give up, you’re beaten!” they shout at me and plead.
...“There’s just too much against you now, this time you can’t succeed.”
And as I started to hang my head in front of failure’s face,
My downward fall is broken by the memory of a race.
And hope refills my weakened will as I recall that scene,
For just the thought of that short race rejuvenates my being.
A children’s race, young boys young men; now I remember well.
Excitement, sure, but also fear; It wasn’t hard to tell.
They all lined up so full of hope. Each thought to win that race
Or tie for first, or if not that, at least take second place.
And fathers watched from off the side, each cheering for his son,
And each boy hoped to show his dad that he would be the one.
The whistle blew and off they sped, as if they were on fire
To win, to be the hero there, was each young boy’s desire.
And one boy in particular, his dad was in the crowd,
Was running near the lead and thought, “My dad will be so proud.”
But as he speeded down the field across a shallow dip,
The little boy who thought to win, lost his step and slipped.
Trying hard to catch himself, his hands flew out to brace,
And mid the laughter of the crowd he fell flat on his face.
So, down he fell and with him hope. He couldn’t win it now,
Embarrassed, sad, he only wished to disappear somehow.
But, as he fell his dad stood up and showed his anxious face
Which to the boy so clearly said, “Get up and win the race!”
He quickly rose, no damage done, behind a bit that’s all.
And ran with all his mind and might to make up for his fall.
So anxious to restore himself, to catch up and to win,
His mind went faster than his legs. He slipped and fell again.
He wished that he had quit before with only one disgrace.
“I’m hopeless as a runner now, I shouldn’t try to race.”
But, in the laughing crowd he searched and found his father’s face;
That steady look that said again, “Get up and win the race.”
So, he jumped up to try again. Ten yards behind the last,
“If I’m to gain those yards,” he thought, “I’ve got to run real fast.”
Exceeding everything he had, he regained eight or ten
But trying so hard to catch the lead, he slipped and fell again.
Defeat! He lay there silently, a tear dropped from his eye.
“There’s no sense running anymore. Three strikes, I’m out…why try?
The will to rise had disappeared, all hope had fled away.
So far behind, so error prone, closer all the way.
“I’ve lost so what’s the use?” he thought, “I’ll live with my disgrace,”
But then he thought about his dad, who soon he’d have to face.
“Get up,” an echo sounded low. “Get up and take your place.
You weren’t meant for failure here, get up and win the race.”
With borrowed will, “Get up,” It said. “You haven’t lost at all,
For winning is no more than this … to rise each time you fall.”
So up he rose to win once more. And with a new commit,
He resolved that win or lose, at least he wouldn’t quit.
So far behind the others now, the most he’d ever been.
Still he gave it all he had and ran as though to win.
Three times he’d fallen stumbling, three times he rose again.
Too far behind to hope to win, he still ran to the end.
They cheered the winning runner as he crossed the line, first place.
Head high and proud and happy: no falling, no disgrace.
But, when the fallen crossed the finish line, last place
The crowd gave him the greater cheer for finishing the race.
And even though he came in last, with head bowed low, unproud;
You would have thought he won the race, to listen to the crowd.
An to his dad he sadly said, “I didn’t do so well.”
“To me you won,” his father said, “you rose each time you fell.”
And now when things seem dark and hard and difficult to face,
The memory of that little boy helps me in my race.
For all of life is like that race, with ups and downs and all,
And all you have to do to win is rise each time you fall.
“Quit!” “Give up, you’re beaten!” They still shout in my face.
But, another voice within me says, “Get up and win that race.”

~ By Dee Groberg